COVID-19: Community Response Grants Program

The COVID-19: Community Response Grants Program is open exclusively to WMI Student and Graduate Scholars. Please note, WMI Student Scholars must be members of our organization for a minimum of six-month prior to applying. 

This grant is designed to provide WMI Scholars with funding to implement immediate projects to proactively slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, improve access to accurate information, increase knowledge and adoption of personal and community hygiene practices, and aid in ensuring the continuity of services for vulnerable populations in their local communities.

Proposals should meet one or more of the following objectives:

  • Enhances local knowledge of COVID-19 (background information, how the virus is spread, prevention, symptoms, action plan for testing and care, and recovery).
  • Aids in providing solutions that are available, can be sourced locally, or can be created to improve personal and community hygiene, and access to personal protection equipment to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
  • Assists healthcare facilities in preparing for the added demands of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases.
  • Assists in providing continuity of services and resources to vulnerable populations with compromised immune systems.
  • Implements creative solutions to assist students with continued learning during the disruption of the traditional academic year.

Eligibility & Requirements

Note: As of May 12, 2020, applications continue to be accepted. However, applications received from scholars in nations with higher reported cases of COVID-19 and increased local transmission will receive priority in the review process.

Note: This opportunity is open to WMI Scholars who have been a member of our organization for a minimum of six-months.

WMI Student and Graduate Scholars in good standing are eligible to apply for a COVID-19: Community Response Grant.

  • WMI Student Scholars are considered to be in good standing if they are fully compliant and up to date with all requirements (most recent grades/letter of good standing and community service reports submitted) and are maintaining good to excellent grades (or have provided a plan to improve them).
  • WMI Graduate Scholars are considered to be in good standing if they have completed the WMI Graduate Scholar Annual Survey 2019, have met all reporting requirements for Community Development Grant awards, and currently do not have a case under review with the Scholar Review Board.
Note: The COVID-19: Community Response Grants Program and the Community Development Grants Program are separate programs. Applying for a COVID-19: Community Response Grant will not impact your eligibility for a Community Development Grant.
Grant Proposal and Implementation Requirements:
  • The proposal must be designed and implemented by the WMI Scholar.
  • The proposal must be based in the WMI Scholar’s local community.
  • The proposal must be implemented in accordance with global health recommendations, which include sources from the World Health Organization and regional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For example: Social distancing should be maintained at all times, the use of a cloth face covering when around others, avoiding physical contact when greeting others, etc.
  • The implementation of the proposal must follow local and national regulations. For example: Abiding by local curfews, shopping during specific hours, respecting quantity limitations for purchasing specific items, etc.

Award Funding

  • One-time grant in the amount of $100-$500 USD.
  •  Grant funds can be used to purchase materials, basic equipment required for implementation, reasonable transportation costs, and other direct expenses.
  •  Funds cannot be passed through to support a favorite charity, organization, or business.
  •  In the event that your proposal is not able to be implemented, you will be required to return the grant funds to WMI.

Application Process

Applications from WMI Scholars will be accepted on an on-going basis. There are limited funds to support this program and there is not a guarantee that all applications will be approved. 

To apply for this grant funding opportunity, you will need to submit a detailed application form. Within the application form, you will provide an explanation of the proposed project that you would like to implement and a list of detailed expenses. You should NOT include background information about the virus, signs and symptoms, or prevention information in your application.


The proposal should include, but is not limited to:

  • Explanation of the project
  • Who will benefit
  • What activities will take place
  • When specific actions will take place
  • Where the proposal will be implemented
  • What resources are needed

You are not required to complete a separate written proposal. Instead, you should include adequate details within the application form.


Within this section you will:

  • List all anticipated expenses to implement your proposal. All expenses listed within your budget need to be itemized and costs should be provided in your local currency and in USD.
  • List any other revenue sources that will support your proposal.

If you would like to prepare your responses before filling out the official application form, click here to review the questions.

Note: The application must be completed in English and all budget expenses should be expressed in the local currency and converted to USD.

Review & Award of Funds

WMI recognizes the urgency in implementing local COVID-19 response projects and is dedicated to expediting the grant application review process. 

Applications will be accepted and reviewed on an on-going basis. There are limited funds to support this program and there is not a guarantee that all applications will be approved. Some applications may not meet funding standards and will not be approved.

  • Proposals will be reviewed weekly on Mondays.
  • Applications received by Thursday, will be reviewed on the following Monday.
  • The first review date is April 20, 2020.
  • Funds will be sent within seven days of approval.
  • Funds will be sent via mobile money for awardees in Ghana and Kenya.
  • If multiple grants are awarded to scholars in specific WMI Fellowship nations (Liberia, Malawi, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Zambia, or Zimbabwe), funds will be sent to one WMI Fellowship leader to reduce wiring expenses and to limit multiple visits to local banks. The appointed WMI Fellowship leader will be responsible for sending funds to all scholars within the nation as mobile money transfers.

Reporting Requirements

As part of your award agreement, you will be responsible for providing proof of funds received, photos, an implementation update form, and submitting a formal completion report at the conclusion of your project. If you have any questions about these reporting requirements, please write to 

Reporting requirements include:

  • Proof of funds received: Once your grant funds have been received, please email a screenshot of the amount that was successfully deposited (screenshot of a mobile money SMS notification, screenshot of the transaction history, .pdf document or scan of your bank statement, or photo of a Western Union receipt) to
  • Photos: As you begin implementing your proposal, it is requested that you send high-quality photos to Ideally, we would like to receive photos of you in action within your target community and with beneficiaries. In ALL photos, you should be wearing your face masks which should cover your nose, mouth, and chin. Please also encourage your beneficiaries to properly use their PPE.
  • Implementation Update: One week after you receive your funds, you should complete the Implementation Update Google Form. This is a quick five question form form. Click here to access the form.
  • Resource sharing: If you are implementing a project that could be replicated by others, we encourage you to share your knowledge, implementation plan, and a list of required resources with other WMI Scholars within our WMI Student and Graduate Scholar Facebook group.
  • Completion Report: All awardees will be required to complete a final summary report on the implementation of the grant activities and funds spent. Click here to access the form.

Questions or Concerns

To seek application assistance or to learn more about this program, please contact:

Nicole Schmitz
Director of Global Operations

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