Conference Event Sign-Up

Welcome to the Dream Big Conference event sign-up form.

You have received access to this form because your attendance is 100% confirmed. This form is designed to help you select the workshop sessions, panel discussions, community service activities, and other events that you would like to participate in during the conference.

You will receive an email stating your form was successfully submitted upon completion. You will receive your personalized conference schedule during check-in at the United States International University – Africa on August 18, 2023.

The deadline to submit this form is Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

If you have any issues with completing this form, please write to

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This form is no longer accepting responses as the deadline for events signup has passed.

Scholar Details

Your Contact Information

Emergency Contact Person

Health Information

T-Shirt Size

Workshop Session Sign-Up

You will be able to attend 6 workshop sessions over the course of the conference. Sign up for your top 12 choices and you will be given 6. Spaces within each workshop are limited and will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis. You will receive your official conference schedule when you check-in on August 18.

We encourage you to enhance your experience at the conference by signing up for workshops from different focus areas.

WMI Scholar Panel Discussion Session Sign-Up

You will be able to attend 2 panel discussions during the conference. Sign up for your top 3 choices. Spaces within each panel discussion session are limited and will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis. You will receive your official conference schedule when you check-in on August 18.

Speed Pitch Sign-Up

In addition to workshops and panel discussions, WMI will be hosting a Speed Pitch Competition at the Dream Big Conference on Saturday, August 19. Participation in this event is 100% voluntary and requires those who sign up to prepare a two minute oral pitch in advance. Sign-up for this event is limited to the first 50 scholars. Once the event limit is met, there will be the option to sign up for the waitlist.

What is a speed pitch competition?

This is your opportunity to introduce and promote (pitch) your idea for a community project, CBO, NGO or social enterprise to a prospective supporter. The idea pitched can be a real on-going project/organization OR an idea that you have. This is a presentation exercise with no commitment to implement the idea you are presenting.

There will be 50 scholars participating and 50 invited guests and WMI staff ready to hear your idea!

At the event, you will have two minutes to pitch your community project, CBO, or social enterprise idea to an invited guest/WMI staff member (your “catcher”), then you will receive two minutes of feedback from the catcher. You then move on to the next catcher and complete this process for 10+ times. This activity offers you the opportunity to practice your pitch presentation skills and to receive valuable feedback from professionals who are passionate about your success.

For each pitch presentation you make, you will receive a brief evaluation from each professional on the success and weakness of your pitch.

You will be evaluated on how effectively you present the following:

  • Introduction of who you are
  • What is the purpose/object/goal of the idea you are pitching
  • Your call to action to support the idea you are presenting
  • Why support should be granted to your idea

The speed pitch event will culminate with a short reception to further mingle and meet the catchers. If you are 100% committed to participating in this optional experience at the conference, please sign up. Please do not sign up if you are not able to prepare for this event as you would be taking the opportunity from another scholar.

Community Service Sign-Up

WMI is excited to work with local organizations throughout Nairobi and offer community service and experience sharing opportunities as part of the conference. Groups of up to 20 scholars will be traveling to sites within the community to learn, exchange ideas and conduct community service. Please select your top two community service focus areas from the options below. All efforts will be made to take your preferences into consideration with site assignments.

Optional Activity Sign-Up

You are invited to participate in additional optional activities throughout the conference. Please indicate if you plan to participate to help WMI staff prepare.

First Optional Activity
Day 2: August 19

Second Optional Activity
Day 3: August 20

Third Optional Activity
Day 4: August 21

Terms & Conditions

Please read the following important policies and indicate your agreement at the bottom of this page.

Terms and Conditions

100% Attendance Commitment:
Registered attendees commit to attend the full conference from check-in on Friday, August 18 between the hours of 10am-3pm EAT to check-out on Tuesday, August 23, 2023 between the hours of 12pm - 3pm EAT. There are limited spaces available to attend the conference and priority was given to those who committed to attend the full conference. This requires advanced planning for on-time arrival and departure.

WMI Scholar Family Members, Children & Friends:
The invitation to register and attend the conference is for WMI Scholars only. WMI Scholars’ family members, children (including infants) and friends are not allowed to attend the conference. Uninvited persons should not be on the conference grounds, unless providing private transport to or from the event during designated arrival and departure times. WMI Scholars who arrive with family members, children, infants or friends will be instructed that they must make alternative arrangements for said individuals not on the conference grounds. They cannot be on campus, attend sessions/evening events/meals, etc. If this policy impacts your potential attendance, you are encouraged to attend a future Dream Big Conference.

No Longer Able To Attend:
If you cannot attend the conference due to a last minute emergency you are required to tell WMI as soon as possible through

If you are no longer able to attend and you received a travel stipend, you are required to return the full stipend to WMI by August 31, 2023. Please review the Return of Travel Stipends policies which will be implemented based upon scholar status on the DBC webpage. Failure to abide by these policies may result in termination from the organization.

Drug and Alcohol Free Zone:

  • The consumption, possession, or distribution of alcohol and illegal drugs is prohibited at the conference and on the USIU-Africa campus.
  • No WMI Scholar or WMI Staff shall report to the conference or perform conference-related activities under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Scholars who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include removal from the conference and/or termination from the organization.
  • Scholars who require prescription medication are allowed to store them in their private rooms.

For more information visit the DBC page

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Privacy Policy​

Wells Mountain Initiative is committed to safeguarding your privacy both offline and online, whether you’re a donor or just a visitor to our website.

Please read the following policy to understand how the information we’ve collected is used.

Personal Information
We only collect personal information, such as your full name, address, email address, telephone numbers, and credit/debit card details, if you voluntarily provide it to us. This usually happens when you make a donation or subscribe to our e-Newsletter. This information is necessary for us to process your donations, respond to your inquiries, and keep you informed about our programs, campaigns, and events.

Wells Mountain Initiative guarantees that any personal information collected, including full name, address, email address, telephone numbers, and credit/debit card information, will never be shared or sold with anyone else. Additionally, the organization will not send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.

Accessing/Updating Information
To access, modify or delete your personal information, please contact us. You can choose to stop receiving all communications, including email appeals, direct mail appeals, newsletters, etc., by contacting us at

Protection of Information
Our website is equipped with an SSL Certificate to ensure that your personal information remains secure and inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. This certificate creates a secure connection between your browser and our website, ensuring that all information passed between the two is private and encrypted. As a result, SSL encryption prevents hackers from stealing sensitive information such as credit card numbers, names, and addresses.

Change to Privacy Policy
Wells Mountain Initiative reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to modify this policy by posting such changes on its site. Any modifications are effective immediately upon posting.

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