WMI Student Scholars
We believe that to climb a mountain, you should not undertake the journey alone. It takes resources, knowledge, the support of others and immense dedication. That is why we believe in providing more than just financial support to our student scholars.
Scholar Responsibilities
In order to guarantee the continuation of your scholarship for the duration of your undergraduate education, you must also provide us with the following documents January 1 and August 1 of each year you’re in school.
- An official copy of your grades for the previous semester or term. Poor grades will jeopardize the continuation of your scholarship.
- An official receipt showing your tuition payment to your school.
- A completed Academic Semester Report for WMI Student Scholars. This is a WMI form you fill out online and submit. It is not from your school. Send this completed form in as soon as your semester is over. Do not wait for your official grades to become available to send in this form.
- A completed Community Service Report for WMI Student Scholars. WMI Student Scholars commit to performing 100 hours of community service within their communities per year. Within the Community Service Report for WMI Student Scholars you will provide honest detail for the activities you participate in. Please do not exaggerate or falsify community service activities.
- Photos of you at school, volunteering (upload with your Community Service Report), or participating in other activities with descriptions. Tips for taking great photos

Ways to Connect with other Student and
Graduate Scholars
WMI Fellowships
WMI Fellowships provide student scholars and graduate scholars with the unique opportunity to expand their social and professional networks in their nation. WMI Student Scholars & Graduate Scholars are encouraged to create strong bonds and assist one another throughout the process of succeeding academically and professionally through the creation of WMI Fellowship groups.
These groups are founded by WMI Student Scholars & Graduate Scholars and have led to the building of support systems that provide networking, mentorship opportunities and group community service projects and activities.
Thirteen WMI Fellowships have been established in Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe! If you are from one of these nations, reach out to one of the current leaders and introduce yourself!
If you want to start a WMI Fellowship in your nation, are an existing Fellowship interested in the Fellowship Development Fund check out the Fellowship resources.
Ernest Cudjoe Anorbor, President
George Mwadime, Chairperson
John S. Anthony, Chairperson
Patrick Banda, President
William Arael Arista Saldana, President
Mariam Sulleiman, President
Larry Maredza, Chairperson
Jean de Dieu Hategekimana, Chairperson
Sierra Leone
Abdul Koroma, Head of Fellowship
South Sudan
Lee Victor, Chairperson
Prossy Alanyo, Chairperson
Cliffton Chifuwe, Chairperson
Grace Tiwari & Deekshanta Sitaula, Group Leaders

Connect with WMI Scholars
WMI Dream Big Conferences
The Dream Big Conference brings together current student and graduate scholars to learn, network, and create in-country WMI Fellowship groups. All WMI Student Scholars and Graduate Scholars are invited to attend the conferences, which takes place every three years. Participants are provided partial travel stipends and are encouraged to raise funds themselves to make this opportunity a reality. Conference attendees participate in workshops, panels, team-building exercises, and community service activities. They hear from inspirational speakers, participate in WMI Graduate Scholars and community service panels, and form new bonds and networks. The next WMI Dream Big Conference will take place in Nairobi, Kenya.

Global Advisory Board
The Global Advisory Board was created in 2019 and is your opportunity as a WMI Scholar to actively impact and influence the future of the Scholar Journey experience and new WMI programs. WMI Global Advisory Board Members are invested in the scholar experience and exemplify the values of community leadership, partnership, and honesty. Board members have the responsibility to serve as the collective voice of WMI Scholars and will provide direction and recommendations on a wide variety of issues to the Wells Mountain Initiative organization. Does this sound like you? If so, learn more on the Global Advisory Board page.
New board members will be appointed each year, with each scholar serving a 2-year term.

WMI Medical Scholar Resources
WMI is building a strong network for medical scholars which will help with career development in different fields, which in turn helps them give back to their communities. If you are studying or have graduated with a degree in medicine and surgery, clinical medicine, public/community health, pharmacy, medical laboratories, nursing/midwifery, psychology/counseling, or dentistry continue learning more about the additional support being provided. Click here to learn more.

Educate Your Own Initiative
The Educate Your Own initiative is our way as WMI Scholars who have and continue to benefit from the WMI Scholars Program to give the same opportunity to at least one more deserving young person in the developing world. We want to pay-it-forward and educate our own. The ultimate goal of supporting one of our own is to ensure that the deserving scholar is able to continue their studies, graduates from university, and grows as a person that creates positive impacts in their society. To learn more about this scholar-led initiative and how to become an EYO Representative click here.

WMI Online
WMI Official Facebook Page Please be sure to ‘Like’ the WMI Facebook page to receive updates; we want to see you engaging with our supporters!
WMI Student Scholars and Graduate Scholars Facebook Group Only WMI Student Scholars and Graduate Scholars have access to membership within this group. We encourage you to introduce yourself in a post here, share your community service involvements, accomplishments and ideas.